Homemade gin recipe

Gin is currently the most popular and “hot” drink. This drink, which is so complex, aromatic, diverse, and full of flavors, is actually quite simple at its core. How to make it at home, without the process of distillation?

Gin is currently the most popular and “hot” drink. This drink, which is so complex, aromatic, diverse, and full of flavors, is actually quite simple at its core. How to make it at home, without the process of distillation and other expensive equipment?

Let’s start with the basics. Gin is actually a neutral spirit with a hint of herbs. The only requirement for gin to be classified as gin is the presence of juniper berries and a certain alcohol content. Producers of gin achieve the flavors through infusion and distillation, but you can also make gin at home, without expensive distillation equipment, and impress your friends, family, or simply make a supply for yourself.

At home, you can make gin by soaking herbs in neutral alcohol – vodka. Buy vodka, gather juniper berries, start experimenting, and enjoy making gin. Use herbs to your taste, try what suits you, and add what you like.

Here is a recipe that should serve as a base. Let everything else be the result of your imagination and taste. Some of the most popular herbs, spices, and fruits that are added to gin are angelica, various peppers, cinnamon, star anise, but don’t limit yourself to that. Explore, try, rummage through your spice drawer … the possibilities are endless.

Basic Gin recipe

  • 1 L vodka
  • 15 g juniper berries
  • 5g coriander
  • 1g limon peel

If you have angelica available, use less than coriander. All other spices listed above should be dosed in a few tenths of a gram (a pinch in layman’s terms), as they can be extremely intense. Sterilize a large pickling jar or bottle with hot water. Add juniper berries and coriander. Add vodka and let it rest for one day. After 24 hours, try it – now you should already feel a hint of juniper berries. Add lemon zest. Let it sit for another day, shaking well several times. Do not let it sit for too long. Try it again, then strain the liquid. For smaller particles, you can use a coffee filter or clean muslin cloth. The drink will be colored due to the herbs, but don’t let the darker color bother you.

Find a good recipe for a gin and tonic and enjoy your very own gin. Let your imagination run wild while creating, be creative. The secrets to making good gin are exploring, tasting, and experimenting. We cannot claim that your homemade brew will be as good as our Slovenian gin from the Petriot distillery. We advise you to enjoy the process and experimentation, but still make sure to get some Petriot gin for yourself. 🙂

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